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What Are the Most Common Lock Problems?

Locks are the unknown heroes of every home because they protect our belongings and provide us with tranquillity. However, a lock problem can soon become a significant issue when such commonly used and trusted tools stop working. A damaged lock situation is unwanted, especially when you are coming from work or going to work in the morning. Why do locks get damaged so quickly, and what can be done before the lock becomes the focus of a bad day? The main goal of this blog is to address issues related to locks. We will describe some instances of why locks get stuck, and keys get broken. Because of this, you will now be able to identify these typical issues and when it is time to reach out to Towergate Locksmiths professionals. Common Lock Problems and How to Solve Them Jammed Locks:  What’s the Problem? The worst part is that your lock will not open, whether it is a memory or a door. When you get to hold it in your hand, even if you twist or turn the lock, it will not turn. This is commonly noticed in outdated locks or possibly in situations where the lock systems undergo physically violent weather conditions at the locations where they are installed. Why It Happens Locks can jam for several reasons: Locks can jam for several reasons: Dirt and Debris: Dust, dirt, and other small particles can accumulate in the lock, making it hard for the key to turn. Corrosion: Every so often, it is not rare to find your lock covered with brownish-coloured substances which would naturally point to rust. Misalignment: On certain occasions, several parts of the lock might move, and as a result, the structure within the lock becomes distorted and gets stuck. How to Fix It First, it is recommended to slowly twist the key in the door lock and twist it back while applying slight force. This may, at times, help prise out whatever is blocking the jam. If that is not enough, a brief spray of graphite lubricant or a touch of the well-known WD-40 solution should suffice, but beware—in excess, it pulls in the dirt. However, if the situation persists and the lock cannot be opened, here are some steps of lock repair in the UK. Broken Keys: What’s the Problem?  Picture this: Often, in a rush, you turn the key, insert it, twist it, and snap. While half of your key is in your hand, the other half is lodged inside the lock. This one of those – Now what? – situations that none of us wants to be in at any given time. Why It Happens Keys can break due to: Metal Fatigue: Nevertheless, the keys become weaker and are more likely to snap apart with time of use. Using the Wrong Key: If the wrong key is tried to be inserted into the lock, it can easily get damaged. Excessive Force: When a lock is jammed, keys shouldn’t be turned too hard, for it can cause the key to snap. How to Fix It If one of the key pieces protrudes, you might attempt to pry it with tweezers or needle-nose pliers. If it’s lodged much deeper into the lock, you will need the broken key extractor tool to remove it, or ideally, you should call an expert who can do it without scratching the lock. Towergate Locksmiths provides a very efficient service for removing a broken key from a lock. If you require one, we can even provide another new key for your car there and then. So don’t let a broken key ruin your day—get it sorted as soon as possible! Towergate Locksmiths offers a quick and efficient service for extracting broken keys and can cut a new one for you on the spot. Don’t let a broken key ruin your day—get it sorted ASAP! Lock Cylinder Turning  What’s the Problem? When you insert your key, the lock cylinder spins, but it doesn’t open. This is very worrying and indicates a problem. Why It Happens This problem usually occurs because: Loose Set Screws: The screw that held the cylinder in place could have loosened up and needed tightening. Worn-out Mechanism: It said that overusing the external push can damage the internal components and cause the cylinder to spin. How to Fix It If you possess some basic mechanical skills involving using screwdrivers, then you may consider tightening the screws on your own. However, this can be tricky, especially for keen novice assemblers who need help understanding how locks are assembled. It would be wiser to contact Towergate Locksmiths for a professional lock repair in the UK. They will soon have everything fixed up and running like a well-oiled machine. Misaligned Locks  What’s the Problem? When you attempt to lock your door, it feels like you’re pushing a square into a round hole. The problem is that the key can not be turned, or it looks as if it does not catch in the lock at all. This, as we said, is a defined case of misalignment. Why It Happens Misalignment can be caused by: Door Sagging: In due course, the doors bend slightly with the weight, which affects the position of the lock and strike plate. Poor Installation: This is even if the lock could never have been aligned well in the first instance if the installation needed to have been done better. Temperature Changes: Using wooden doors can be a problem because the materials move with temperature changes, which can cause misalignment of the lock. How to Fix It First, tighten your door hinge to check if they can help reposition the lock. Changing the strike plate should solve the problem; there is always a solution to every lock. But if all of the above reads like an episode of WolfWire, do not worry. Do not fret. Pick up the phone and call Towergate Locksmiths. This will have your lock working in the way it was intended for

What to Do After a Burglary?

We understand that responding to an event such as a burglary is one of the most challenging and terrifying experiences one can face. If you are reading this now, it probably means you have just coped with a break-in, or you want to be ready if such a misfortune happens to you one day. Here are the things that should be done in such a situation. Stay Calm and Assess the Situation  First Things First: Safety Check The first thing anyone should do when he finds out that their house has been robbed is to ensure that they take a deep breath. It may be Difficult, but at any time, safety comes first, and this is hard to achieve in this case. Here’s what to do: Don’t Enter the Property Immediately: This is when you get back home only to find that there might have been a break-in. Do not go inside your house; stay outside and do not touch anything. The breakers could still be within the house or have left some items that the police would find helpful. Call Emergency Services: You should call the police using the emergency line, 999, and report the matter of the burglary. They will dispatch the police to your place to establish whether it is secure or to take a statement from you. They are also supposed to gather any evidence that may be useful in the arrest of the offenders. Secure Your Home  Immediate Measures to Prevent Further Issues The final step is protecting the house after getting permission from the police authorities. Criminals usually select buildings that would be straightforward to penetrate, so you will need to shield your house in the future. Here’s what you should do: Change Your Locks: If the locks to your house are damaged or you are concerned that there may be additional keys floating around, call an emergency locksmith in the UK as soon as possible. At Towergate Locksmiths, we focus on replacing your locks quickly and effectively and take pride in being your top solution when it comes to security for your houses. Board Up Broken Windows: If your windows are broken, cover them up with wood to prevent the same thing from happening again or people taking advantage of the situation to steal from your house. This may not look so good, but it will help in emergencies to ensure your home’s safety as you wait for a professional to carry out a proper repair job. Document the Damage  Keeping a Record for Insurance and Police It’s essential to document the damage and loss for insurance purposes and to help the police with their investigation: Take Photos: Take pictures of the existing hole in the door or any other broken area. Also, take a picture of the interior to see if it has been wrecked or if the burglars have pulled apart the available property. These photos will illustrate your insurance claim and may be helpful to the police. Make a List of Missing Items: List down everything taken away. Providing as much information as possible is desirable, such as brand, product number, and description. This will help your insurance company and police authorities in their attempts to recover your property. Contact Your Insurance Company  Filing a Claim After this, you should contact the insurance firm to report the incident and file a complaint. Here’s how to make the process smoother: Report the Burglary: Speak to your insurance agent and inform them that your home has been burgled. That is the police report number, items stolen, and, if you can, even a picture of the items. Understand Your Coverage: You should always know your policy provisions and what is covered. There may also be specific stipulations in some policies that dictate or restrain what would be employed; thus, clarifying what is embraced would be crucial. Restore and Repair  Getting Your Home Back to Normal Once on-site response has been taken care of, your home’s restoration to its normal state is now. Here’s what to consider: Hire Professional Repairs: If there is significant damage to your property, you may have to get professional help to fix it. Ensure you work with competent tradespeople to work on the buildings so that they can do a good job. Reassess Security Measures: It is advisable to re-evaluate your home security after some repairs. You might get new locks, install alarms or security lights, or have security cameras installed. Towergate Locksmiths can advise on the latest security items for your home to ensure maximum security is observed. Seek Emotional Support  Taking Care of Your Well-being It is rather upsetting to have a burglary since it involves so many emotions. It’s essential to take care of your mental health during this time: Talk to Someone: Many people experience the same; attempt to discuss the same with friends, members of the family, or a professional counsellor. Venting out the experience can help one begin a process of seeking therapy or healing for the agony in their heart. Practice Self-care: You could participate in exercises that help you calm down and feel more secure. This could be anything from a favourite pastime to basic instructions on how to relax. Prevent Future Break-ins  Enhancing Your Home’s Security Last but not least, learning measures to be taken to avoid such incidents in the future is essential. Here’s how you can enhance your home’s security: Upgrade Your Locks: This is an area that cannot be neglected. Good quality locks should be installed to deny intruders access. Towergate Locksmiths can offer consultancy services, quality supply, and fitting of the best locks and security systems. Install Security Measures: At least the following should be installed: outdoor lighting, motion sensors, and an alarm system. These measures can make a burglar reconsider and offer an additional feeling of safety. Be Vigilant: Therefore, be vigilant and be careful of what is happening in your vicinity or neighbourhood. If you find any anti-social person or anything you think

How Can I Enhance the Security of My Home?

Well, if you are considering enhancing security of your home, then you are on the right place. Now, let’s get into some straightforward, practical advice that will improve your house security while keeping things simple. Let’s get started! Upgrade Your Locks Stronger Locks for Better Protection Old locks on homes are like an open invitation to thieves and other criminals to come and invade a home. Replace the old door and window locks with new, more secure ones. Selection of nuts and screwing them is more accessible to perform compared to bolts. This is because they are narrower. Towergate Locksmiths can provide guidance on the best kind of locks to install and how to install them correctly. All the best to your home! Special Attention to uPVC Doors Have uPVC doors? They should be checked and probably updated frequently. uPVC Door Repairs in the UK are common, and these doors are known to repair with time. A simple solution or replacement will ensure that your locks and doors remain in perfect condition and would be extremely difficult to break. Secure Your Windows Lock Up Those Windows Windows are the most common areas where thieves try to access your home. They should have very strong locks, and having metal bars on doors would not be a bad idea. They seem aggressive, but they serve as good measures to discourage vices. Ensure your window frames and locks are fine, and conduct a routine check on them. Extra Security Measures If you sit on the first floor or have easily reachable windows, it is worth installing more protection. Motion-sensor lights around the windows are handy; no one will try to get in when they can see the light is on. Invest in an Alarm System Choose a Reliable Alarm System The alarm system is a huge help. The best systems are those that give alerts in real-time and loud alarm tones. Some can even allow you to monitor your house from your phone. This is handy when the tracking alerts you every time the product is being used, so you are always updated. Go Smart with Your Alarm Smart alarms can be linked with other devices, such as cameras and motion detectors. This means you can build a security system so extensively that you can secure your device, data, and identity. Our locksmiths can assist you with installing and calibrating those systems at Towergate Locksmiths. Install Smart Lighting Motion-Sensor Lights Make your security brighter with motion-sensor lights. These lights go on whenever there is motion in the night, scaring away would-be intruders and making your house less appealing to burglars. They’re simple but effective! Timers for Your Lights Alternatively, instead of using motion sensors, one can use timers. Use them to switch the lights on and off at certain intervals to give the feeling that someone is in the house whenever you are away. Don’t Neglect Your Garage Secure Your Garage Door Garages are often overlooked but can be a weak spot. Ensure your garage door has a strong lock, and consider adding a secondary locking mechanism for extra security. Move up to a Smart Garage Opener  Smart garage door openers enable a user to operate a garage door and check on it from a distance. This high-tech solution increases comfort and protects your garage even when you’re not home. Boost Garden Security Secure Your Garden Perimeter A well-guarded yard is more challenging to breach. Ensure side gates are well locked and maintain a good stock of fences around the field. Sprinkling thorny plants or trellises would make climbing over them hard. Store Tools and Equipment Safely Beware of children and keep garden tools out of reach, especially when they are young. Ladders and spades can be used to break into your home, so store them securely. Get Professional Help Why You Need the Experts Sometimes, DIY isn’t enough. Towergate Locksmiths can come and do a comprehensive security assessment, identify the problems, and suggest a solution. Employees make sure that everything is safe and meets the requirements. Schedule Regular Check-Ups Security check-ups from time to time can help keep your home secure. Avoid waiting for a problem to arise—proactively accumulate valuable advice and services. Act Now! Don’t Wait Until It’s Too Late It would be best to consider increasing its security without waiting for something to happen. Action now means you will be safe from homes that could harm you, and, more importantly, you will have the peace of mind you need. Contact Towergate Locksmiths Are you ready to Improve the Security in your home? Contact Towergate Locksmiths now to speak with our specialists and get help. Do you require new locks, uPVC Door Repairs in the UK, or services for a complete security solution? Get it now! Protect your home now before it gets out of hand! Final Thoughts Enhancing the security of your home can be simple. Basic changes in your home and assistance from a professional can help you protect your home. Call Towergate Locksmiths at 07935 628828 to get your process and turn your home into a safer haven. I hope this helped, and thank you for reading. Have a safe day! You should contact Towergate Locksmiths for further information or if you want a quotation for any locking system. Safety, first of all, is always your safety! Want to know what our clients think? Check out our Google reviews.

What are the Benefits of Repairing a uPVC Door Instead of Replacing It?

If you are the one reading this, you likely replaced your uPVC door since it can no longer be considered new. Perhaps it is sticking, or a trickle of cold air is coming inside the house. In any case, you’re most likely faced with a decision to either fix it or replace it. It’s always a rough choice, but today, we want to understand why fixing the uPVC door is better. Let’s break it down! Why Repairing Might Be Better Than Replacing Cost Savings  Let’s be honest: It is, in any case, a costly procedure, especially when you need to replace a door in your house. From the cost of the door itself to hiring someone to install it, it starts to get very expensive very fast. On the other hand, uPVC door repairs in the UK are relatively much cheaper than those needed in other UK uPVC doors. No matter whether it is just the change of a few screws or solving minor problems, repairs can be very effective in terms of costs. Saving on Labour and Materials Repairing an uPVC door means replacing a specific part replacing a particular part, and the time required is paid for. On the other hand, switching from one door to another requires spending on a new door and on the procedure of installing it. Such costs can be very costly, mainly when operating under some stringency concerning how much you can spend. Keep Your Original Door  Even the best ideas need a little protection. Sometimes, keeping what you know is the best thing to do. Your current door is made from uPVC and has not started warping; therefore, it is likely to have been affixed to the frame and adapted to the climate within your home. Swap it for a new one; it implies time before the car can adjust to the new door and may have some problems fitting. Matching Styles and Colours If your home has a particular style or colour, the new door installed will not thoroughly blend with the current interior or exterior theme. Repairs allow you to keep everything as tidy and beautiful as you initially wanted it to be. Quick Fixes Mean Less Disruption  One can understand having to pound out a door, order a new one, and then have it put in. It is a lengthy procedure that can practically interfere with one’s daily schedule. Fixing an uPVC door, for instance, usually requires less time than making a wooden door. Most problems can be solved in a few hours or a couple of days, so primary life does not have to stand still. Minimise Your Inconvenience As a result, repairs appear less invasive than replacements, although in some cases, both will result in a similar amount of demolition work. You will not have to manage the issue of removing the front door and its surround or installing a new front entryway. In just a short while, it will be like nothing ever happened, and your door will shine like new again. Environmental Impact  Let’s talk sustainability. Each new door produced implies the use of resources and energy. By opting for the Repair instead of lock replacement, you are minimising the strain on the environment. Following the above tips is a small but effective way of reducing the impacts of human activities on the environment. Reduce Waste When you want to repair your uPVC door, you prevent it from joining the millions dumped into the dump sites. Though sometimes it looks like a very insignificant move, there is sometimes always something that can be done. Selecting Repair always reduces the number of doors we dispose of and, in essence, the amount of waste accumulating. How do you know if your uPVC door needs Repair? If you’re still on the fence, here are a few signs that your uPVC door might need a repair: Difficulty Opening or Closing If you have trouble turning the door or it becomes stuck, it is important to know that something is wrong with the alignment or the locking mechanism. This is most often a problem that can be effectively contained and rectified by a fix. Drafts or Water Leakage Small drafts or water leaks can be very annoying. When you feel a draft mostly through the door or see water droplets on the floor, these problems signify that the seals or the weatherstripping require Repair, and a repair job can efficiently remedy the problem. Visible Damage This can result in any or all of the following: the formation of cracks, dents, or any other visible defect on the door. These can be repaired without requiring a total overhaul of the unit, depending on the extent of the problem. Don’t Wait – Get Your uPVC Door Repaired Today! If your uPVC door shows signs of being the leading cause, you should not wait until the problem escalates. The earlier one deals with the problem, the earlier it is to avoid calling into question a product’s replacement. In addition, correcting your door issues now means you will spend less money and time and less stress in the future. Contact Towergate Locksmiths Today Are you ready to restore your door to its best and clean it up? Contact Towergate Locksmiths for professional and prompt uPvc door repairs within the UK. We’re here to help you with any issues regarding your door and ensure it is as good as new. A faulty door is a nuisance to your daily routine – let us fix it for you –Call us now at 07935 628828! Experience our services firsthand. Read our Google reviews to see what our clients have to say. Therefore, you should opt for door repairs, which will be a win-win scenario for you as a homeowner and your pocket. So why don’t you sit back, relax, and let Towergate Locksmiths do all the work for you, offering you a fully functional door without the frightful process of replacement? call us today—we are here

How to Fix a Stuck uPVC Door?

So, you have an uPVC door that sometimes refuses to open. Yes, that spoils. Now that your eyes are opened, you cannot complain about it unless you live under a rock. This is when you cannot open or close your house door or want to avoid that embarrassing situation when the door will not budge. Following this straightforward guide, you can quickly do what is needed to ensure your door runs like a charm again. Why is Your uPVC Door Stuck? Now, let us discuss why uPVC door has an issue with you before we delve deeper into how it can be solved. The other type of door is the uPVC, which is usually intense, and one does not have to maintain the doors frequently. But some things could go wrong: Misalignment Issues Sometimes, the hinges and the door can shift out of place. This out-of-place can make the door stick when, for instance, the material it is made from expands or shrinks due to changes in either cold or hot weather. Hinge Problems  Doors seem to come with their own troubles, and often, the hinges cause the trouble. If the hinges of a door are bad, it may not open or close properly. Weather Stripping Issues  Many uPVC doors have some seal on them, weather strips as they are known, to prevent draughts from entering. This stripping may get broken or out of place, causing the door to either not open or close as expected. Locking Mechanism Faults  If the lock device hampers your door from opening or closing quickly, the device on your door will not function correctly. Tools You’ll Need Before you start fixing your door, make sure you have these tools handy: Screwdrivers (both flathead and Phillips) Lubricant (like WD-40 or a silicone-based spray) Allen keys Hammer (for minor adjustments) A spirit level (to check alignment) Step-by-Step Guide to Fixing Your uPVC Door The following steps will help you fix your stuck uPVC door. Just follow them, and everything will go as you desire in no time. Check for Misalignment  Step 1: Open the door slightly, and check the level using a spirit level to ensure it is plumb. Step 2: If the door is not levelled relative to the plane of the building, then the hinges may have to be corrected. There are also various hinges in most uPVC doors that you can fine-turn to align the door. Step 3: Putting on a screwdriver, tighten the hinge screws while being gentle. Ensure that you do not compact the screws to the point that you even risk damaging the frame or door. Inspect and Adjust Hinges  Step 1: Check if the hinges are loose or could also be damaged. If they are, then you should tighten the screws with the help of a screwdriver. Step 2: If the hinges are broken, you may have to change them expressly. Proceed to your nearby stores selling hardware or seek an expert to replace the missing parts. Step 3: If the pins are still in a poor state, it will be advised to replace them, which are called hinge pins. This will guarantee that your door is properly and smoothly closed or opened, as the case may be. Examine the weatherstripping  Step 1: Actively examine the weatherstripping on the door. If it’s a long strip of wallpaper or tape that is torn, and the cut is jagged or in the wrong area, you might have to redecorate. Step 2: Take out the used stripping material that has deteriorated and the wall surface. Step 3: The door should then be fitted with new weather stripping. Ensure that it is firmly anchored and does not interfere with the door’s motion. Lubricate the Mechanism  Step 1: Spray lubricant on the wardrobe’s hinges and locking mechanism. This will assist in easing the door’s opening and closing and will also make the door slide smoothly. Step 2: To remove dirt easily, remove any extra lubricant, as this attracts dirt easily.  Check the Locking Mechanism  Step 1: Check whether the locking mechanism is standard or not. Step 2: If the lock is not engaging or stuck, it is time to bend or change it. Step 3: This is important as it ensures that the lock mechanism works as it should be lubricated. When to Call in the Experts! Occasionally, no matter how much effort you make, the specific uPVC door might just be a little too challenging for a DIY person. If your door has a recurrent problem or seems unmoveable, then you might need to consult a professional. Towergate Locksmiths is here to help you with all your uPVC door repairs. This leaves us to help you with all your uPVC door repair problems, starting from door alignment and difficult locks in the UK. Your feedback helps us grow! Share your experience and help others discover us by leaving a review on Google.