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BS3621 – Are Your Locks Up To Standard?

  We all like standards in life don’t we. A certain standard of living, important personal standards and hopefully at least a minimum standard of hygiene from our co-workers or local Mcdonalds. But when it comes to locks there’s a standard everybody can aspire to. BS3621, or more fully, British Standards Institute BS3621. A standard that even if you know very little about locks you’ll recognise from the familiar BSI ‘kitemark’ logo embossed on any lock that does have that high benchmark of materials, manufacture, and security. It’s certainly been around long enough, BS3621 was first introduced on locks in 1963, (hey, happy 60th BS3621) and specifically for “locks operated by key from both the inside and outside of the door”, ie for common Mortice or Sash Locks which most homes have – ‘Yale’ type locks with a lever on the inside half of the lock are a different number, but in truth there’s actually been several versions of BS3621 since The Beatles’ first no 1. There’s been 5… BS3621 2017BS3621 2007BS3621 1998BS3621 1980BS3621 1963 And a little tip here, if you look at any lock that is BS3621 – go on, check the locks in your own property, now you will notice the year stamped on them as well! You can roughly know how old that lock of yours is. Ta dah! Yes, good old BS3621, it may well be 60 years old but you can literally say it’s wearing well. I’ve removed original BS3621 locks in older properties that have still worked nicely. Although 60 is a good retirement age for any faithful servant like that. But if I have got you checking the external locks in your property, and they don’t have the kitemark symbol at all, then it is definitely time for an upgrade anyway. Not just for yourself, and the security of your home since any lock without the kitemark is, how should I put this professionally, not good at security, but since most insurance companies require you to have BS3621 locks fitted, if you are burgled because of a substandard lock now your insurance company has the right to refuse your claim. Also you will agree, not good. So dear reader, do yourself this favour. If you have mortice locks in your external doors, take a stroll over and see if they do have that reassuring British Standards Institute BS3621 stamp on the faceplate, and the famous kitemark. If they have, unless there is a reason to swap, carry on. If not, then you really, really should change them. As standard.  

Meet The Lock That Burglars Hate

The Brisant Ultion Lock Lock, yes it really is called that, may have one of the dumbest names ever for a lock but that doesn’t stop it from being one of the most inspired locks too. A beautiful handle and lock all-in-one unit, the Lock Lock can be bought in 2 versions, key or keyless – the keyless option being for doors that don’t require a lock on the outside. Why Is It So Good? It’s so good because within it are nine unique and patented methods of protection against forced entry. The curved design guards against it being gripped and torn whole from the door. It has a sacrificial spindle meaning the lever cannot be forced. An internal lock-block stops the spindle from turning upon being attacked and it can’t be pushed through or pulled out because an internal security washer and grub screws specifically prevent it. Secure, and Built To Last Lock Lock’s performance and durability meet the highest standard by measuring EN 1906 Grade 7. Inindependent, third-party ‘opening cycles’ testing, it was still opening and closing a door after being checked 200,000 times. To give that some context, that’s the equivalent of opening and closing a door 4 times a day for 136 years! Have You Seen The Video!? If you’ve read this far you should watch the video to go along with this endorsement and see for yourself how good this lock is. Because regardless of that very So So name, we can vouch that the Lock Lock most absolutely, definitely does provide Top Top security. If you’d like to know more about fitting the Lock Lock to protect your home, call Towergate Locksmiths on 07935 628828.

New Home? Then Change Your Locks

Over half of people don’t change their locks when they move into a new property. The very idea of other keys to your home out there is a scary thought but it would seem many people don’t consider this potential danger. So why should you change your locks after moving into a new home? Old Locks If you have locks that are old and not completely secure you should change them just from a security standpoint. Faulty locks make it worryingly easier for burglars to gain entry to your home and protecting it, and your family, is an absolute priority. Insurance Claims Rejected If a spare key is left by the previous owner to someone who uses it to commit a theft in your new property, it might allow an insurance company to deny a claim. This is because not all policies cover things like willingly given keys as an incidence of a break-in. Check your insurance to see what is covered but always the safest thing to do is replace the external door locks in a new property. Peace of Mind Simply knowing your locks have been changed can give you peace of mind in a newly purchased home. It’s possible you could know the previous owners, but it’s certainly not often. And even if you did, you won’t know everyone they might have given a copy of the house key to. New external locks picked to your own personal security preferences (and you know exactly who has a key) will automatically provide peace of mind in your new property. So, have you recently moved, or are about to, and want to change your locks? Call 07935 628828 for a great lock change service and there’s also a discount when we change multiple locks on a property.

Would Your Locks Deter a Burglar?

The right protection for your home against break-ins and burglaries is important. Because while according to the Office of National Statistics (ONS), burglaries are declining year on year, the main reason for the reduction is the quality of locks that people are fitting to their doors has improved in recent years. But if you haven’t upgraded locks recently you may still have the kind that doesn’t provide much protection against a savvy burglar. We can help identify any potential problem by offering a free security survey on your doors and windows. And we can show you the difference in protection that the latest locks and gadgets offer. This service is completely free and you will probably be surprised at how reasonable it is to upgrade your doors with anti-snap, anti-drill and insurance-approved locks that can defy even the most determined burglar. So whether you’re an existing homeowner, just moving into a new home, renting your property, or perhaps a landlord with new tenants, call 07935 628828 and book your FREE security check today.