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What To Do If You Are Burgled

There’s not a lot worse than being burgled. 

On top of the loss of your possessions, some perhaps irreplaceable, it’s the loss of your sense of security and peace of mind that can be overwhelming.

But it happens and according to the Office of National Statistics the most common reactions after a burglary are anger (58%) annoyance (57%) shock (52%) and fear (40%).

So while everybody hopes it won’t happen to them if ever you find yourself to be a victim of a home invasion there are some critical things to do.

Of course the first priority is to report the crime. The sooner you do the more chance that the police may ultimately catch the perpetrators.

But there’s the matter of when you discover the burglary. If it’s already happened and there is no personal danger anymore the number to call is not actually 999, rather it’s the non-emergency number on 101. The police will then give you a crime reference number which you’ll need for your insurance claim.

But what if you return home and suspect a burglar is still inside your home. In that case, don’t go in. Stay outside at a safe distance, perhaps in your car or at a neighbours. Call the police as soon as you can and if there’s opportunity to do so, photograph or film anybody leaving your property. Don’t confront them however, personal safety is still the most important thing. 

Mind you, having said that, if you’re a big guy and it is just some teenage chancer carrying out the family silver, they might just drop everything and run. But that’s entirely on you.

A even worse scenario is if a burglar breaks in and you as the householder are still at home. If that happens safely leave the property if you can. If not stay calm and find a room you can hide, preferably one where you can lock the door. Clearly a case to ring 999 but if you are truly fearful of the situation and think the intruders might hear, call 999 and then press 55. This is called the Silent Solutions line and it usefully informs the Police you’re in an emergency but unable to speak. 

Once more though, if you’re home and you are that aforementioned big guy but now with access to a cricket bat or 5 iron, again what you do is up to you. They might just run a mile, I know I would. 

Ultimately, the full impact of any burglary depends on your own circumstances. And since most of us are not big guys with hard sporting equipment, always, always, the first course of action is to be safe.

But of course, safety first can apply to your home before a burglary and at Towergate we help with that. Just ask and we will provide a totally free security health, checking all points of home entry and your locks for their integrity. Then, is we do think an upgrade would be of benefit, we can explain exactly how and give you a free quote. After that it’s simply up to you.

But dare we say, no matter who you are, or what size, it’ll be a much better bet for your home security than any golf club. 



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